2225 May 2025
2225 May 2025


The Ultimate Truth

Illustration av Gråbrödersgatan under vatten med en val

A simulation of Earth without man

The Ultimate Truth: when everything drowns, after ages of exploitation, everything becomes peaceful again. This premise takes shape in a collection of illustrated prints and an artist’s book.

The collection reflects possible future scenarios on Earth without the human presence. What might our planet look like when we're no longer here? The illustrations explore the presumption that the Earth would be better off without us, based on the illustrators’ own thoughts and discussions, encouraging reflection on the world after we're gone. The prints simulate locations in Skåne that have been left untouched for long periods of time, and affected by the course of nature without human intervention. The book tells a story about nature’s timeless core—mountains, deserts, oceans and the atmosphere.

Evidently, humans have set a course for the evolution of our planet. Species has been moved around or driven to extinction, creating or destroying whole ecosystems. In this thought experiment, nature gets to pick its own course, undisturbed and in its own pace, from the condition we left it in. Invasive and natural species find a new order and take command of places that we used to call ours.

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