2225 May 2025
My program
2225 May 2025
My program


Seasonal clothing - dress rehearsal for changing climates

Holding Surplus House

Dressing up a Tiny House on Wheels for different seasons and cohabitants.

What if houses would be dressed up to be warmer in winter, wear a jacket in which insects can hibernate or householders sharing insulation with houses wardrobes insulation indoors could be worn by people too? What if we would grow our curtains on the bathroom floor, and leave the window open for pollinators to feed from the blossoming cover? We are bringing our Tiny House on Wheels to the Southern Sweden Design Days and open our house for you to participate in different interventions and co-creations with grown materials and to address Seasonal Clothing. We invite you to take part in creative and reflective sessions to speculate about householding, sharing of resources and habitats with human and more-than-human neighbours. 

Friday 24th the Tiny House on Wheels will be visited by students of the Design + Change Master programme, LNU. What pathways can we see design take in order to help challenge unsustainable norms, habits, behaviours and ways of life? Students of the Design+Change master program, Linnaeus University, Växjö invite you to explore design processes that focus on issues concerning norms, norm-criticism and norm-creativity. 


