2326 May 2024
My program
2326 May 2024
My program



Refab Lab SSDD image

ReFab: Transforming Waste into Design

"ReFab" is a group exhibition showcasing participants from a variety of creative/professional backgrounds.  Artists, architects, designers, furniture artisans and textile artists address challenges through designing with reused materials and have reframed the reputation of  discarded materials from waste to valuable resources. Among others, ReFab is showcasing (in alphabetic order) Kerry Donars, Yang Yong Kang, Helle Robertson and Sofia Kroon Walter. The works for this exhibition have been created at ReFab Lab AB facilities, who’s mission is to spread knowledge about material re-use through workshops and collaboration. 

The theme of "Care" permeates the ReFab exhibition, with participants demonstrating environmental stewardship by contributing to resource conservation and waste reduction. The economic dimension of care  is evident in considerations of cost savings and support for local economies. Creatively, care is seen in the thoughtful use of materials, producing unique aesthetics that contribute to cultural and social contexts. The educational aspect of care involves raising awareness about the environmental impact of consumerism and enhancing skills through experimentation, fostering responsibility and mindfulness. Ultimately, the practice of reusing materials reflects a caring approach to artistic expression that goes beyond individual creativity to embrace broader social, cultural, and environmental considerations. By combining individuals with different creative backgrounds, The ReFab exhibition makes for an eclectic unexpected but exciting outcome. Be sure to come by our open house on Friday from 18:00 to 20:00 and meet the showcased designers. 
