2225 May 2025
My program
2225 May 2025
My program


Lajv as a tool for design, education, and society

Embodied role-playing experiences for empathy building

Live action role play (Larp or Lajv in Swedish), is a long-standing format of collective play, in which participants engage a subject matter by taking on particular roles and/or personas and enacting situations and scenarios to create immersive experiences. Lajv is deeply emotionally engaging, and a powerful tool which allows for perspective taking and empathy building to both deepen connections to others and ourselves. Lajv can be used as a tool in design and tech spaces to help with better understanding user experiences, creating a playful and creative atmosphere, overcoming social barriers, rapid prototyping, and exploring myriad subjects in playful ways. Lajv is already used in many parts of society particularly in the Nordic countries, such as at museums and within high school and police educations. 

In this workshop, we will explore the broad usage of Lajv with a focus on perspective taking and empathy building, in line with SSDD's theme of CARE. We will run participants through a series of activities that will highlight the importance of embodied experiences and lajv as a teaching tool that can be useful for practitioners, designers, educators, and society in general. The workshop will take place at Malmö Universitet Orkanen - Storm (Room A122 - https://use.mazemap.com/#v=1&campusid=94&zlevel=1&center=12.994870,55.611309&zoom=19.6&sharepoitype=poi&sharepoi=1037006 ).

Please register with the following link: https://forms.office.com/e/7NBGQyExun?origin=lprLink 
