2326 May 2024
My program
2326 May 2024
My program

Open house

Back and forth

collage på vägg

Processes in the graphic studio

For a couple of days Jollygoodfellow opens up the studio to visitors. Much of what is shown can be related to processes, back and forth. There will also be an opportunity to try a simple printing technique in the small format.

Back and forth between
digital and analog,
deconstruction and construction,
new art work from old art work,
play and seriousness,
new materials in old techniques,
freedom and limitations,
now and then.

Rollers and squeegees in the printing studio, back and forth, back and forth…

Open workshop "64 bit"
We will imitate the method of classic letterpress printing, but instead of lots of lead types in different sizes and fonts, there are only four types of Lego pieces and 8x8 bits. An examination of limitations as a creative engine. Come and try it!
