2225 May 2025
2225 May 2025


Artist talk with Paula Castro

Paula Castro

Thoughtful Intentions

An embroidery exhibition on the nature-being-other bond


This embroidery exhibition is part of the series The Five Seasons by Paula Castro, a

Brazilian textile artist. Using linen and thread, the embroideries illustrate the

feminine, the woman's body in organic transformation with nature and the value of

each phase of the life cycle.

The threads pass through childhood, youth and maturity and give life to the processes

of mourning and maturing. The changing seasons are metaphors for the states of the

soul. The embroidered scene emphasises the flowering of human intimacy in painful

moments, the value of being connected to each other and also to nature.

In this way, the canvases provoke us to feel the bond between Nature - Being - Other

and to conjugate the verb to care.

To care about looking inward, knowing oneself, the needs that spring from

within, and their purpose for being in the world;

To be careful about cultivating the garden around oneself, and pollinators, and

maintaining the creation of life on the planet.

To be continuously caring about others in the terrible autumns of their

existence. To always be a support for their pain.


Hands take care. Hands are protagonists in this series. With them, we look after ourselves, each

other and the Earth. With our hands, we touch, we create intimacy and, through caring, we

establish bonds. We need this bond to feel safe and to develop as human beings. Therefore, care

is urgent and essential. By caring every day, we participate in building the bond with ourselves,

between ourselves and others and between ourselves and the planet.
