Southern Sweden Design Days 2022
19–22 May 2022, the second edition of Southern Sweden Design Days was held - a new international design festival in Malmö that highlights and builds knowledge about design, with a focus on sustainability, collaboration, development and innovation. During four days, a platform was created for every imaginable discipline within design and the city was filled with exhibitions, seminars, workshops, networking events and festivities in a variety of locations.
Theme 2022
The focus on meetings and interaction is reflected in 2022’s theme: "PROXIMITY” - nearness in space, time or relationships. The theme calls for interpretations reflecting on the notion of being close – the connection between people, cities, countries, species, professions, etc. Proximity can include several dimensions. To produce and consume locally – to use the assets and resources that are close by to build a sustainable future. At the same time, be globally interconnected between continents, countries, and cities. To feel kinship with people all over the world and consider how closely we all are connected to each other.
The program 2022
At more than 60 different locations in the city, visitors could take part of exciting, free activities such as exhibitions, window displays, outdoor installations, workshops, tours and open houses. The program of approx. 160 program activities, of which 79% were physical activities in the city and 21% digital on the website. SSDD Studio's tableau was filled with 27 program activities that contained both live seminars and self-produced digital content. The festival involved a total of 390 content-creating participants, which include individuals as well as studios, collectives and organisations. In total, the festival had 21,250 visitors.
Did you know you can still experience SSDD 2022? All the fantastic program activities that participated are still available to discover!