2326 May 2024
My program
2326 May 2024
My program
Southern Sweden Design Days 2023

SSDD Studio

At Main location in Lokstallarna, visitors will be able to attend panel discussions, seminars and workshops in SSDD Studio.

As a participant, you can apply to host an event in the studio live in front of an audience during the event days.

Please note! In order to have both a national and international reach of the event, English will be the official language for all formats unless otherwise specified.


Expression of interest to participate in SSDD Studio is made in connection with the Southern Sweden Design Days application no later than 15 January 2024. The number of places is limited and the selection will be made by a panel.

Apply here 

Don’t hesitate to contact hello@southernswedendesigndays.com if you have any questions or concerns.